In a surprising revelation that comes months after the nation should have been briefed, the Secret Service has revealed the discovery of marijuana on two occasions within the confines of the White House during President Joe Biden’s tenure.
This admission has left many, including Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), questioning the caliber of individuals permitted access to what is supposed to be one of the most secure buildings in the world.
According to the Secret Service, the marijuana was found in July and September of last year, before the discovery of cocaine in the White House earlier this month.
Secret Service admits it twice found marijuana at White House — months before cocaine discovery https://t.co/uh7E1AuTGc pic.twitter.com/gcQuXmMdlZ
— New York Post (@nypost) July 13, 2023
Speaking to Fox News, the Secret Service clarified that both instances involved marijuana weighing less than two ounces, hence, no arrests were made as the quantities did not meet the threshold for federal or misdemeanor charges under D.C.’s decriminalization policy.
The agency however revealed that the discovered marijuana was promptly collected and destroyed by officers as it remains federally banned and prohibited on federal property.
This latest revelation comes on the heels of the Secret Service’s failure to identify the individual responsible for smuggling cocaine into the White House on July 2. This development has triggered a wave of reactions from lawmakers and citizens who question Biden’s promise to “restore” honor and decency to the White House.
Notable among them is Boebert who expressed her concern about the lack of video surveillance in the area where the cocaine was discovered, especially considering the previous incidents involving marijuana on the White House property during President Biden’s watch.
“This probably is an area that should have had video surveillance, especially since this is not the first time that drugs have been found on the White House property since Biden has taken office,” she remarked, emphasizing the need for enhanced security measures.
Highlighting the Secret Service’s admission that the key to the locker where the cocaine was found is currently missing, she accused the agency of not conducting a thorough investigation. “There were more than 500 people who went through the West Wing during the weekend of when this substance was found, when the cocaine was found in the White House, and none of those people who have come through are classified as suspects,” she stated.
“We did not have scandals when President Trump was in office to this degree. And it just poses the question: What kind of people is Joe Biden bringing into the White House?” she wondered.
The Colorado lawmaker went on to point out that more than 500 people accessed the West Wing during that Fourth of July weekend when the substance was discovered, and none of them are currently considered suspects.
“Instead, they are quickly wanting to close this investigation and move on to the next Biden crime crisis,” she quipped.
Boebert believes that every staffer who entered the White House during that period should undergo drug testing, ensuring a thorough examination of potential involvement.
On the other hand, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-ML) argued against subjecting hundreds of individuals to drug tests, claiming that such a response would be “disproportionate” and constitute a violation of “people’s civil liberties.”
While the debate continues over how to address these drug-related incidents within the White House, concerns remain about the overall security protocols in place even as questions linger regarding the owner of the discovered cocaine.
Questions have also been asked about the Secret Service’s silence after initially discovering the marijuana, prompting comparison of the agency to the FBI and the IRS which have been accused of covering up the president and his family’s criminal activities.