President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden reportedly said that he will flee the United States of America if former President Donald Trump wins next year’s election. The president’s son who faces up to 42 years in prison for tax and gun crimes reportedly made the threat to two people he spoke with recently.
Per POLITICO, the two people said that Hunter worried that Trump’s reelection might make him flee the country.
The two also revealed that President Biden’s camp is worried that Hunter’s legal issues could lead to Biden’s failure at getting reelected into the White House. “Some Democrats believe that the trials could damage [Joe] Biden politically,” journalist Jonathan Lemire reported.
Democrat strategists have truly expressed concerns about the implication of Hunter’s legal woes on the president’s campaign which they hope would foil Trump’s.
Speaking to the Messenger, a Democrat strategist worried that the issue might have a similar effect as former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email controversy in which she used a private email server in her New York home for official public communications.
As the strategist named Brad Bannon put it, “The controversy about Hunter Biden’s financial dealings might play the same role for Republicans that Hillary Clinton’s emails did in 2016.”
“This Hunter story has the legs to ruin things for Biden,” a second Democrat strategist told the Messenger.
House Republicans launched an investigation into the Biden family in November 2022 in a bid to find evidence of corruption on the part of the president when it comes to his family’s shady business dealings.
In September, former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy launched an impeachment inquiry into Biden, saying, “House Republicans have uncovered serious and credible allegations into President Biden’s conduct. These are allegations of abuse of power, obstruction, and corruption.”
While Biden denied being guilty of influence peddling, being involved in Hunter’s foreign business dealings, and ever interacting with his associates, investigators have uncovered evidence that suggest otherwise.
According to a testimony given by Hunter’s business partner, Devon Archer, Biden attended up to two dinners with the business associates he vehemently denied having any interaction with.
A suspicious money trail was also discovered, in direct monthly payments made to Biden from Hunter’s business Owasco PC, which reportedly received payments from shady sources including China.
The president had also claimed that Hunter never made money from China, even though Hunter himself testified in open court to accepting money from Chinese business interests to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars.