Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has decided to reject an offer to run for president on a “No Labels” ticket. In a statement on Wednesday, the former GOP presidential candidate revealed that he is shutting the door to his consideration of a third-party run which the No Labels group asked of him after he dropped his GOP presidential campaign early this year.
Chris Christie withdraws from consideration for ‘No Labels’ presidential run https://t.co/hkzEa4gsYx
— Fox News (@FoxNews) March 28, 2024
“I appreciate the encouragement I’ve gotten to pursue a third party candidacy. I believe we need a country that once again feels like everyone has a stake in what we’re doing and leadership that strives to bring people together, instead of using anger to divide us,” he said in his statement.
For Christie, a third-party run would end up helping former President Donald Trump clinch a win at the November election.
“While I believe this is a conversation that needs to be had with the American people, I also believe that if there is not a pathway to win and if my candidacy in any way, shape or form would help Donald Trump become president again, then it is not the way forward,” he explained.
The No Labels group reportedly reached out to Christie about a potential run. Per Fox News, the former governor has spent recent weeks looking into the possibility of a No Labels third party ticket.
Christie dropped out of the GOP presidential race in January after he failed to gain enough traction in the race.
“I would rather lose by telling the truth than lie in order to win. I am going to make sure that in no way do I enable Donald Trump to ever be President of the United States again,” he said.
“No one will tell the truth about Donald Trump. No one will tell the truth about his divisiveness, his stoking of anger for his own benefit,” he added.
According to Christie, his will to destroy Trump’s chances of being president again drove his withdrawal from the race.
No one will tell the truth about his divisiveness, his stoking of anger for his own benefit. And that’s more important than my own personal ambitions,” he stated.