Ramaswamy Says He’s Honoring Trump’s Legacy While Charting New Course

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has quelled curiosity regarding his decision to run against former President Donald Trump, despite lauding Trump as the “best president of the 21st century.” 

Speaking at a lively Iowa campaign event covered by Fox News, the anti-woke businessman elaborated on his motivation for his GOP nomination bid.

When questioned about his decision to run against Trump, given his strong admiration for the former president’s policies, Ramaswamy responded by saying that he hopes he can build on his legacy and be an even better president.

“I think we need to aspire for excellence. We’re Americans. We aspire constantly higher. So, yes, George Bush, Barack Obama, Joe Biden. I put Donald Trump by far at the top of that pack. But I want to build on the foundation that he laid to take the America First agenda to the next level,” he stated.

Ramaswamy emphasized the importance of a fresh perspective to guide the nation forward. “I think it will take someone of a different generation with fresh legs and an actual positive vision for the country to get us there.”

Positioning himself as that person, he went on, “I think I can deliver a landslide election in a way that nobody else in this race can. Building that multi-ethnic working class coalition that includes people both young and old to make it happen, black and white, inner city and rural. That’s my sense of responsibility that I have to deliver it. And I think that’s what we need to reunite this country.”

During Wednesday’s Republican primary debate, Ramaswamy set himself apart from his fellow GOP contenders solidly standing in support of Trump regarding the issues surrounding the 2020 election.

“Let’s just speak the truth, OK? President Trump, I believe, was the best president of the 21st century. It’s a fact,” Ramaswamy declared. 

“I am running for President of the United States. We’re skating on thin ice. And we cannot set a precedent where the party in power uses police force to indict its political opponents. It is wrong. We have to end the weaponization of justice in this country,” he added.

While he hopes to win against Trump in the race for the presidential seat come 2024, he hopes to have the counsel of the former president as he told reporters on Wednesday that he expects “Trump to be one of my most valuable advisers as I take over for the White House in January 2025.”

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